Management Commitment

Our facility operates in the Payallar Tourism Region of Alanya.

In the services we provide under the scope of "Food and Beverage Presentation, Accommodation, and Entertainment Services," we do not compromise on our internal and external contexts.

While guest satisfaction, legal authorities, and changing competition conditions represent our external contexts, our internal contexts are comprised of:

- Keeping up with technological development

- Internalizing outsourced processes

- Our "VALUES" and "CULTURE"

Human beings are our most fundamental "VALUE." Just as the satisfaction and peaceful, unique vacation experience of our guests are essential, so is providing our employees with a work environment where they feel happy.

When selecting our employees, we do not discriminate based on religion, language, or race.

We appreciate and encourage our talented, visionary employees who contribute to every success, believe in team spirit, and uphold human values and work ethics. Because we know:

"Guest satisfaction is only possible if employee satisfaction exists."

The "SERVICE CULTURE" created by the interaction of our contexts is the privilege we promise to our guests.

In our facility, qualified leaders have been appointed to establish, maintain, and continuously improve our integrated quality management system, which is built upon these contexts.

To make quality measurable and create a bridge between internal and external contexts, goals have been set, and these goals have been communicated to employees through policies.

All standards, legal requirements, and guest expectations that we are responsible for following are documented in our integrated quality system and are continuously updated.

In our integrated quality system processes, "RISK-BASED THINKING" is fundamental. By analyzing every next step, we aim to achieve fewer nonconformities, more improvements, and higher satisfaction.

General Manager

Mustafa KAHYA